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Dear All,


We are writing to inform you that, subject to final legal agreements, Bromley Council have agreed to give a 40 year lease to Crystal Palace Community Development Trust (CPCDT), which is a local charity and a company limited by guarantee.


This is a fantastic opportunity for CPCDT, a local community organisation, to take over the day to day management of the centre, as well ensuring the building remains a community asset for the next 40 years. We have several plans going forward into the future to help benefit our area, and plan to

discuss some of these in our upcoming Annual General Meeting, on the 2nd of November, 2015.


We hope that all parts of the community will support the Trust on our journey into the future, which we hope will ensure a long term future to the benefit to Anerley and the surrounding local area.


For further updates on the building please find us on Facebook at Anerley Town Hall, and Twitter,


Members of the local community are invited to join us at our AGM on Monday 2nd November 7pm at Anerley Town Hall to ask questions about the planned future for the Town Hall, and to find out more about the opportunities opening up to the local community.


Pat Trembath


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